Здравствуйте, меня зовут Сергей Третьяк, рад видеть вас на своем блоге. Тема блога: организационное развитие, бизнес-процессы, разработка KPI, направляйте свои вопросы/ потребности/ интересы - обсудим
Work on improving a business process is launched by an initiative supported by the Leader . The initiative can come from anywhere. It is important that it is the owner of the business process who shows or supports the initiative to improve their process. In our project, the owner of the Customer Request process is the head…
The purpose of the article is to show examples of strategy implementation management using a corporate unified information platform on an accessible tool – Bitrix24. The article discusses in simple language the possibilities of strategy management using this information platform. A more in-depth study of the topic requires more methodological development and more detailed technical…
In my opinion, the ideology defined by the “process owner” (company leader, department manager, person responsible for the process) is critically important when modeling and optimizing business processes. Based on the ideology (requirements, values), it is possible to formulate more reasonably proposals for structuring, optimizing the process, detailing its description, introducing new process links or…
I propose to consider organizational development as a set of tasks for the development of the organization, taking into account the current place of the organization in the general life cycle of development according to Adizes (the Adizes model of the life cycle of the organization). In my opinion, the most optimal return from the…
Description of services: Description/optimization of business process Development of regulations, standardization of business processes Development of a map of the company’s business processes Formation of requirements for business process automation Development of process indicators Development of process reporting 1. Description of the service “Description/optimization of a business process” Structure of works Description/optimization of an…
IT strategy is one of the functional strategies used to implement the company’s business strategy. When developing an IT strategy, there is often no analysis of the company’s strategic goals, their impact on business processes and systems (business applications, IT architecture), and there is no analysis of the company’s business processes. In a simplified form,…
From 2013 to 2017, a number of business processes were developed within the framework of the organizational development department: Sales of primary real estate; Putting a real estate object (address/building/pool of apartments/parking spaces) up for sale; Procedure for agreeing discounts; The procedure for forming prices for real estate objects; The procedure for conducting tenders for…
In the period from 2014 to 2017, in one interesting development company (with 300-600 employees, the number of people in the organization changed significantly during this period), within the framework of the organizational development department, I implemented, together with a team of analysts from the organizational development department, a number of projects to optimize and…
Any end-to-end business process of a company in a normal IT system “lives” better than in regulations with diagrams and clear text. For many, this thesis is obvious, but not for everyone. Let’s consider the example of the process of selling new buildings in a development company: 1) the “life” of the sales process in…
This article is devoted to global indicators – the author collects global indicators that are measured at the global level by various seemingly charitable, non-profit and research organizations in important social, political and economic processes of our lives. But in whose interests are these indicators measured? How are these measurements used – for what decisions?…