Здравствуйте, меня зовут Сергей Третьяк, рад видеть вас на своем блоге. Тема блога: организационное развитие, бизнес-процессы, разработка KPI, направляйте свои вопросы/ потребности/ интересы - обсудим
This post is more about observations and reflections than about specific advice. How do we deal with problems in business, in an organization? How do we treat them? What are problems for us? – a reason for political struggle – an increase in budget and power, a reason for punishment/accusations/manipulation, an opportunity for growth for…
The topic is hackneyed, and yet, every company periodically has to solve problems in the field of organizational design – these can be issues of improving the organizational structure of the company as a whole, or local tasks of optimizing the interaction scheme for a separate area, issues of growth/development, or issues of interactions between…
The attitude towards regulatory and methodological documents (RMD) in any Company is always ambivalent — contradictory, simultaneously positive and negative. The ambiguity of working with RMD can be expressed using the example of radical stereotypical positions — 1) “it is unclear who does what, there is chaos and disorder everywhere, everything should be spelled out…
The question is how to create an informative report, convenient for decision-making, supporting the principle of “saw – understood”? The report is convenient if with minimal effort the user of the report receives at his level all the necessary information, not the maximum information, but exactly the necessary, and nothing extra… I imagine the report…
“Practice of management based on the balanced scorecard (BSC ) , familiarization with the capabilities of QPR Suite for automation of the BSC ” 2 days The workshop combines theory and practice and covers: BSC methodology (including explanations that are not included in the authors’ books) and options for its implementation; Practice and examples of the application of the Balanced Scorecard…
The article “Part 2: Features of the BSC/KPI automation project” continues the topic started in the article “Automation of BSC using QPR Suite 2012. Part 1: Strategic map of the company” . In this article we will talk about the features of the BSC automation project or management by KPI, as well as about the reasons that…
Telling something complex in simple terms is not as easy as we would like… Automation of the BSC is a topic that is somewhat of a “thing in itself” series, but I want to share my experience in automating a balanced scorecard, or more precisely, automating some of the tasks and processes associated with developing…
You can get acquainted with the variety of systems for KPI management using http://www.kpishop.ru . You can get acquainted with the rating of international level systems using http://www.gartner.com . Systems that support management based on KPI are primarily BPM (business performance measurement) systems, systems that allow you to measure the efficiency of performance in the processes or projects of…
Domestic companies use the BSC (balanced scorecard) approach to specify strategic goals, taking advantage of the method to clearly show the logic of connections between goals in the company’s strategic map (easy-to-read strategy maps). At the same time, there are many problems in using the BSC approach in practice, and these problems are usually the…
It is useful to have at hand databases (DB) of indicators, where various indicators and metrics are collected and classified by industries and functional areas. I provide a list of sites (replenished from time to time, as new sources are found) containing libraries of indicators, KPIs (both English-language and domestic sites). Not all sites are…