“Practice of management based on the balanced scorecard (BSC ) , familiarization with the capabilities of QPR Suite for automation of the BSC “
2 days
The workshop combines theory and practice and covers:
- BSC methodology (including explanations that are not included in the authors’ books) and options for its implementation;
- Practice and examples of the application of the Balanced Scorecard (many examples and practice);
- BSC automation toolkit (live work with the QPR tool, decision modeling).
Day 1
1. The BSC (Balanced Scorecard) approach
- A typical problem is the gap between strategy and operations
- A brief history of the BSC approach and the reasons for its popularity.
- Definition of the basic concepts of the BSC methodology. Examples from practice. Discussion of variants of strategic maps.
- Types of BSC models, KPI management as a special case. Exchange of experience. Explanation with examples
2. Forming a strategic map in QPR Suite 2012
- Completing a practical task – creating a strategic map of the company in QPR (logical chain of goals/indicators)
- Working through an example. Demonstration of capabilities
3. Basic relationships: goal – indicator – project – business process
- Developing an understanding of how these concepts are differentiated and how they fit together
- Examples of correct and incorrect KPIs from practice. Consequences of replacing a goal with a project, and an indicator with an event.
4. Indicator (KPI)
- Classification of indicators, classification options, examples of KPI
- 2 options for classifying indicators from a practical point of view – ensuring the correct calculation of the % of indicator achievement (important for the automation of the BSC)
- Indicator properties, indicator map
- Examples from practice of incorrect indicators with explanations
5. Working with indicators in QPR Suite 2012
- Indicator card. Calculation of interrelated indicators
- Working through an example. Demonstration of capabilities
Day 2
1. Decomposition
- 2 aspects of decomposition: substantive (what do we do?) and methodological (how do we do it?)
- Purpose of decomposition. Description of decomposition logic. Factors limiting the implementation of decomposition
- The practical task is to decompose several top-level strategic goals and indicators down the organizational structure to the divisional level.
2. Forming a decomposition in QPR Suite 2012
- How Decomposition Is Implemented in QPR. The Advantage of Single Input
- What do we save on and reduce labor intensity?
- Working through an example. Demonstration of capabilities
3. Formation of a plan and report on strategic goals and indicators in QPR
- Generating a report in the QPR web portal
- Formation of an electronic dynamic report. Report on sliding periods
- Formation of dashboards
- Uploading a report from QPR to MS PowerPoint — preparing a presentation for management
4. Linking the BSC to the motivation system. Employee motivation card
- Explanations using the example of a motivational map, sharing experiences
- Variants of manipulation with indicators. Examples from practice
- Employee KPI Map in QPR
5. Forming a decomposition in QPR Suite 2012
- Examples of motivational map in QPR
- Options for calculating employee performance
- Example of automation of calculation of weighted average calculation of % of completion
- Working through an example. Demonstration of capabilities
The seminar program is based on many years of practice in using a balanced scorecard, taking into account the specifics of this methodology and its ambiguities. It also offers experience in automating performance management based on a BSC using the QPR system , with examples from practice.
The corporate format includes additional customization of the seminar program to the company’s objectives.
Descriptions of individual substantive fragments of the seminar can be read in articles published on the website www.samsebestrateg.ru