It is useful to refresh your understanding of the basics, to hear or see new shades of something already known… or out of curiosity to find out what and how they say about it “there”? )
Examples are given from the history of the development of The Walt Disney Company, when Michael Eisner (born March 7) came to management. 1942). From September 22, 1984 to September 30, 2005 he was the chairman the largest media conglomerate – The Walt Disney Company
What was Michael Eisner able to achieve in 10 years, from 1984 to 1994? This is in part 1…
Part 1
In Part 2 – the basics of strategic management as a process
Part 2 — Lecture 1 — Part 2:
the idea of forming a competitive advantage is not as simple as it seems, no matter how many times we hear about it )) – in part 3
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
to be continued…